This puzzle by New York Puzzle Company features a cover from the New Yorker. Don't miss The Sensational Dogs; the 9-dog act! This New Yorker cover is designed by artist Mark Ulriksen and was originally published in 2002. The puzzle has 500 pieces and has a linen style finish to reduce glare. Recommended Age: 10+ Years.The covers of The New Yorker have entertained and enlightened the magazine's readers for nearly a century. With unmatched visual sophistication and wit, they let no subject escape their scrutiny. A roster of extraordinary artists continues to create indelible images that are infinitely varied in style and tone, whether whimsical, provocative, serene, or lough-out-loud funny. From the iconic Eustace Tilley to spot-on images of contemporary life, The New Yorker's covers are always the talk of the town.